Tag Archives: Basic

Photograph of a woman painting an image of a lady with a hat

Rule Of Thirds As Applied In Photography | Explained

The Rule of Thirds is basically a dumbed-down, distilled, composite version of many principles which actually pertained to paintings. It is very simple…

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Colors RGB Histogram Of An Image Of A Bird

How To Leverage Histogram Explained | Plain & Simple

The histogram is the most efficient and reliable way of evaluating exposure in photography. The LCD at the back of our cameras do NOT always tell the truth.

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color pencils of various colors lying horizontally with a camera held by a hand

White Balance For Beginners | A Comprehensive Guide

In the simplest way possible, white balance is the process of reproducing the colors of the image the way you saw it with your naked eyes when you took the image.

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Nikon Release Mode Dial

Nikon Release Mode Dial

Release Mode Dial are commonly found in Nikon manufactured cameras which allow the user to select various settings for when the shutter button is released..

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Aperture Buzz Comprehensive Beginner's Guid

Camera Aperture | A Comprehensive Guide For Beginners

An aperture in plain simple English means a hole or a gap. In photography, it refers to a hole/opening at the back of the lens..

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Shutter Speed

Understanding Shutter Speed | How It Works And Affects Your Images

Shutter speed determines the time period during which the shutter opens up to let in light to the camera image sensor

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Exposure Triangle Aperture Shutter Speed ISO

Exposure Triangle Understanding Aperture, Shutter Speed & ISO

Exposure Triangle, you may have heard photographers use the phrase many times and wondered what on earth is it?

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